一個人的 20 年

上個月獨自一人過完了20歲的生日,雖然我對生日的態度是無所謂的,但都已經 20 年了,還是寫點什麼作個記錄。


時期 主要事情
小學 アニメ 小霸王遊戲機
中學 アニメ 遊戲王卡牌 網遊
高中 アニメ 輕小說 Windows Galgame
大學 アニメ 聲優 Mac iOS



5 歲半上學前班,上了半年之後直接上一年級,感覺自己那時候超常人有沒有。。。

3 年級的數學課是那麼的好,做完老師佈置的題目之後可以把數學課當體育課上,於是我在三年級上了好多的體育課,雖然體育什麼的自己都不懂。

5 年級的數學老師很嚴厲,可是我現在數學依舊很渣,這絕對不是老師的錯,是因爲自己在高中時期沒有好好學習的原因。

6 年級,我從表哥那裏學會了玩電腦網絡遊戲,記得是一款叫作夢幻西遊的網游,並且這個時期,爸媽也在外面打工,所以自己經常在外面和朋友一起通宵打網遊,這個時候的錢大多是從爺爺奶奶那裏偷來的,現在感覺那個時候的自己好壞。



還好,這一年沒有再玩夢幻西遊這個遊戲了,不過在和朋友通宵的時候,大多數都是人家在玩遊戲, 我在下載柯南動畫,也就是在這個時候知道了紅旅動漫這個論壇,在上面每個晚上可以下載2G左右的柯南(平均每一集60M左右),一次下載了6集「仰望半月的夜空」之後,知道「日本動畫」不僅僅是我看的柯南。


這個時候也開始慢慢折騰電腦了,知道 Windows 文件管理,任務管理器(還記得在網吧里遊戲未響應的時候,網管 Ctrl-Alt-Del 鍵一按,結束掉自己正在玩的遊戲嗎?)基本操作什麼的,我原來這麼晚才接觸電腦的啊。


AMD Althon X4 630 2G RAM 500G HDD 19’LCD 大致如此,過了一年之後,因爲玩DNF(一款叫 地下城與勇士 的網遊)卡,所以又加了 2G RAM。
由於別人的 U盤 裏面有病毒,把系統感染了之後,到鄉里修電腦的地方,從人家那裏偷學了怎麼調整 BIOS 啓動順序,寫 Ghost系統 到U盤中,然後我就到網吧里下載了各種版本的 XP,一個個的試用,看哪個好用。(233)
在「紅旅論壇」里看到一些系統美化主題,原來Win7那麼漂亮(主要是可以看到磁盤空間試用情況,如果接近滿的話,會變紅 )於是開始下載Win7系統的Ghost版本,找了好久,找到了一個只有1.57G左右的鏡象,因爲內存卡大小的問題,一直寫入U盤不成功。
好在老爸買了一個4G的U盤,終於裝上了Win7,頓時感覺這個系統好漂亮啊。(事實證明,在見到 OS X 之前,我的審美觀弱爆了)




2012 年 5月28日,上課中接到老爸的電話,說是老媽在醫院裏,讓我到醫院,做好心理準備,出校門之後,想了一下,我就知道出事了,只是沒想到,老媽就這樣走了,接下來的一週間,在家裏過的就那麼樣,感覺家裏面冷清了不少,雖然自從上了高中之後,很少和家裏人說話,但是等到你想和家人說話,卻說不了的時候,那種感覺可能是寂寞。


現在處於是老師口中所謂的令人舒服的大學生活的第 2 年中

JAVA 基礎學習,開始步入程序語言的學習道路。由於剛進入大學,要尋找和自己價值觀相近的人,好在有兩個朋友感覺不錯,於是對其他的人際關係,就放置 play 了。留在記憶中的也就:徹夜完成作業和最終項目。

看了下硬盤里最早的 Objective-C Hello World 代碼簽名日期,2014年4月30日,已經過去了將近 1 年,借口 雖然自己是邊學習大學課程,邊學習 Mac/iOS 開發的,但到現在都沒有什麼值得自己驕傲的成果,是鬧啥樣?(直到最近 2 個月,我才開始學寫 Mac/iOS 軟件)

5 年後的我每天會怎樣度過?

使用 rangeOfString 過濾 NSArray 中的 NSString 對象


聲明一組包含 Nisekoi 和 Plastic Memories 的 NSArray
從NSArray 中過濾出帶有 Nisekoi 的 NSString 對象

NSMutableArray *tasks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0 ; i<24; i++) {
    [tasks addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@Nisekoi %i,i+1]];
    [tasks addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@Plastic Memories %i,i+1]];

NSMutableArray *queryTasks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSString *task in tasks) {
    //使用 rangeOfString 過濾
    NSRange r = [task rangeOfString:@Nisekoi
    if (r.location != NSNotFound) {
	[queryTasks addObject:task];

for (NSString *t in queryTasks) {
    NSLog(@To do list -> %@,t);

其實沒必要這麼麻煩,直接一個NSMutableDictionary setObject:forKey: 設定好就可以了,過濾什麼的,0X23XD 喵。

Use Vim (Note for vimbook-OPL.pdf)

Learn use vim as my main text editor

The Tutorial

Get start

    I just think vim is a very good productivity tools.

    Did you think so?



    背景也能不能设置为黑色的呢?(GUI 下 theme=evening)



Moving Around

    hjkl Move cursor ### Deleting Characters
    x: Delete charcter under score your cursor ### Changing modals
    esc: Change modal
    i	inserts a character before the character under the cursor
    v: Visual modal (Select multi lines text) ### Undo and Redo
    u: Undo

    U: Undo line

    Ctrl r twice: Undoes the undo

Getting Out

    ZZ: Writes files and exits 保存并关闭文件

    :q!	quit-and-throw-things-away 退出不保存

    :w	写入文件不退出

    :q	退出

Other Editing Commands

    a	insert text after the cursor
    dd	delete a line
    o	a new line below the cursor,then enter insert mode.
    O	a new line above the cursor,then enter insert mode.
    :help	display help

    some text enclosed in vertical bars (etc: |tutor),then press
    ctrl ]	Jump to tag(Jump to the location of the tag given by the word under the cursor)
    ctrl t	pop tag(Back to the location of the tag)

    get help in NORMAL mode on subject

    :help x
    :help deleting
    :help ctrl-a
    :help ctrl-h

    get help in INSERT mode on subject
    prefix key i_

    :help i_ctrl-h

    special key such as Arrow key
    :help <Up>	get help on <Up> arrow key
    other help prefix key , see note

    **Using a Count to Edit Faster**
    If you want to type aaaaaaaaa
    you can
	    9ia<Esc> 	then it will insert aaaaaaaaa
	    9aa<Esc>	append aaaaaaaaa to after the cursor 

    If you want move up 10 lines
    you can
    to move down 10 lines
    to move cursor left 5 characters
    to move cursor right 5 characters

2.Editing a Little Faster

Word Movement

    w	forward 1 word
    b	backward 1 word
    3w	forward 3 words
    4b	backward 4 words

Moving to the Start or End of a line

    $	move to the end of line
    ^	move to the begin of line
    2$	move to the end of 2 line
    0	move to the begin of line

Searching Along a Single Line

    fx	forward search single character x
    Fx	backward search single character x
    2fx	twice search single character x
    tx	cursor stop in searched character x begin
    Tx	cursor stop in searched character x after

Moving to a Specific Line

    gg	Go to file start
    G	Go to file end	

Telling Where Are in a File

    :set number	display line number
    :set nonumber	display line number off

Where am I?

    ctrl+g	display a status line that indicates where you are in the file.	

Scrolling Up and Down

    ctrl+u	scroll up half a screen
    ctrl+d	scroll down half a screen

Deleting Text

    dw	delete a word
    dd	delete one line
    d2w	delete two word
    d3d	delete three line
    d$	delete from cursor to end of line
    d0 or d^	delete from cursor to begin of line
    3d2w	delete 2 words repeat 3 times for a  total of 6 words

Chaging Text

    cw	change a word
    c3w	change 3 words
    cc	change a line

Joining Lines

    J	join the current line with the next one
    3J	join 3 lines to one line

Replacing Characters

    rx	replaces the character under the cursor with x
    5ra	replaces the character under the cursor with aaaaa

Changin Case

    ~	change the character under the cursor with lowercase or uppercase

Keyboard Macros

    q character command records keystrokes into the register named character. (The char-
    acter must be between a and z.)
    qa	Start recording a macro in register a.
    ^	Move to the beginning of the line.
    i#define<Esc>	Insert the string #define at the beginning of the line.
    j	go to next line
    q	Stop recording the macro.
    @a	use macro
    10@a	use macro 10 times


Simple Searches

    /string		search string	if you want to search forward use /<Enter>
    /<Up>or<Down>	use history search string

Searching Options


    :set hlsearch	set highlighting search
    :set nohlsearch 	no highlighting search
    :nohlsearch	clear the current highlighting

Incremental Searches

    :set incsearch
    :set noincsearch
    n	next matched string ### Searching Backward
    ?string		search string backward
    n	last matched string

Changing Direction

    n	normal next matched string
    N reverse search between ? and /

Basic Regular Expressions

The Beginning(^) and End ($) of a line

    /str$	search line end with str 
    /^str	search line begin with str 

Match Any Single Character(.)

    /a.p	apple	adplus result will show like left words

Regular Expression Summary

    x	The literal character x
    ^	Start of line
    $	End of line
    .	A single character
    character	Turns off the special meaning of many characters, gives special meaning to a few others

4. Text Blocks and Multiple Files

Cut,Paste and Copy

    Use p (put) command
    dd -> p  You can delete a line ,then put into your cursor in what line you want
    d$ -> p	 You can delete from cursor to end of line , then put into where you want to put under your cursor
    d2w -> p delete 2 words then put to another place

Character Twiddling

    if you want to type 'the' then you type 'teh' you can put your cursor on 'e' then
    xp	x->delete the character p-> paste character after the cursor

More on “Putting”

    p	places the text after the cursor
    P	places the text before the cursor
    3p	paste 3 times


    :marks Display all marks
    ma	make a mark named a
    mb	make a mark named b
    `a	jump to mark a
    `b	jump to mark b
    d'a	from cursor delete mark a content


    yank (Most other editors call copy operation)
    yy yank a line then use p to paste
    3y	yank 3 lines

Which File Am I On?


Edit multi files

    you can use vim to open a.txt b.txt
    vim a.txt b.txt
    :next	Next file
    :previous	Previous file
    :wnext	Write then go to next file
    :wprevious	Write then go to previous file
    :rewind		Edit first file
    :last	Edit last file
    ctrl+^(6)	switch to alternate file (You can use :next to jump other file then two files are alternate)


Opening a New Window

    :split	split to up/down two window
    ctrl+w w	move cursor to alternate window
    ctrl+w j	move cursor to down window
    ctrl+w k	move cursor to up window

Opening Another Window with Another File

    :split file	etc. :split YQRealLink.m
    :split +/str file	search str and open file	etc. :split +/define YQRealLink.m	search define in YQRealLink.m
    :20 split file	Open file set window size 20 rows

Split Summary

    :count split +command file
    count	The size of window
    +command	An initial command
    file	The name of file to edit(You can use autocompleted to fix filename)

The :new Command

    open a new window without content of file(This is a new file)

Changing Window Size

    ctrl-w+		etc. ctrl+w 10 + increase 10 rows to current window
    ctrl-w-		etc. ctrl+w 20 - decrease 20 rows to current window
    .	Repeat last command	
    ctrl-w=		etc. ctrl+w =	make all window size equal
    (count)ctrl-w_		makes current window (count) lines high


    :buffers	show current buffer list
    stats explain
    - Inactive
    h Hidden
    % Current
    # Alternate buffer
    + File has been modified

Selecting a Buffer

    :buffer number	etc. :buffer 2	Select second buffer file
    :buffer file	etc. :buffer file2.txt
    :sbuffer number(or file)	splits the window and starts editing the buffer
    Annotations: P51	Other buffer-related commands

6.Basic Visual Mode

Entering Visual Mode(v)

    :help v_d	describes what the d command does in visual mode
    v	visual block
    V	visual line
    You can use <Esc> to leave all mode ### Editing with Visual Mode
    d	delete highlighted text
    D	delete highlighted line
    y	places the highlighted text into a register
    Y	places the highlighted line into a register
    c	change text
    C	change line
    J	join all the highlighted lines into one long line
    If you want to join the lines without adding spaces,use the
    gJ command


    <	shiftwidth(shift tab)
    >	width(tab)
    =	indents the text
    ctrl ]	jump to definition of the function highlighted
    K	man highlighted text ### Visual Block Mode
    :help v_b_r	get help on the visual block r command
    ctrl-v	Enter visual block mode
    I	insert after blocked text
    and you can use hjkl to select block
    c	delete string then insert on each line in the block
    C	delete the character from cursor to end of line then insert new text to block
    $	extend block to the end of line
    A	add text to the end of each line #### Replacing
    r	applies all the selected characters with a single character #### Shifting
    >	right tab
    <	left tab	

7. Commands for Programmers

Syntax Coloring

    :syntax on #### Syntax Coloring Problems
    :set background?	get current background setting
    :set background=light	set background to light
    :set background=dark	set background to dark
    :set filetype=c(Or java )	tell Vim types of syntax highlighting to use
    :set shiftwidth=4	change the size of the shift width ### Automatic Indentation
    set: cindent
    set: smartindent
    set: autoindent

    to set all open c,cpp file use cindent to .vimrc file
    :filetype on
    :autocmd FileType c,cpp :set cindent

    = using Vim's internal formatting program

Locating Items in a Program


8. Basic Abbreviations,Keyboard Mapping,and Initialization Files


    :abbreviate ad advertisement	when you type ad<space> or <tab> then will appear advertisement

    see all abbreviate use

    see you vimrc file

    write all your settings to a file
    :mkvimrc file

    My .vimrc is locate on ~/.vimrc

9.Basic Command-Mode Commands

    :	Enter command line mode 
    :p(rint)	Just print current line text
    :1,5 print	Print 1-5 lines content
    :5 print	Print fifth line text
    :1,$ print	Print all content
    ma	mark selected content to a
    :'a print	print a mark content
    :shell	Enter shell mode (As Terminal) type exit to back to vim

10.Basic GUI Usage

11.Dealling with Text Files

Automatic Text Wrapping

Text Formatting Command

    :range center width 	etc.	:1,5 center 30	to center a range of lines(width default is 80)
    :range right width
    :range left margin

The formatoptions Option

    :set formatoptions=cq
    c	Automatically wrap comment. Insert the comment leader automatically.
    q	Allow gq to format comments. #### File Formats
    :set fileformats=unix,dos	set file fromat to unix,dos
    :set fileformat?	see current file format
    :set fileformat=unix	set file format to unix #### Changing How the Last Line Ends
    :set endofline	Last line ends in <EOL>
    :set noendofline	Last line does not have an <EOL> #### Troff-Related Movement
    )	moves forward one sentence
    (	backward sentence	
    }	moves forward one paragraph (most as one blank line as division)
    {	backward paragraph ### Section Moving
    [[	move a section backward
    ]]	move a section forward

12.Automatic Completion

    ctrl-p	backward search word to complete
    Many options you can customize in advanced chapter
    ctrl-n	forward search word to complete ### Customization of Completion
    :set ignorecase		tells the editor to tray all words regardless of case ### Specifying a Dictionary
    :set dictionary=file,file,...
    single dictionary
    :set dictionary=/Users/yaqinking/Documents/dict/anime_dic.txt
    multi dictionary
    :set dictionary=/usr/dict/words,/usr/doc/words
    !You can specify your input method dict to you vim dict to auto complete your type exp.

Line mode

    ctrl-x ctrl-l	line completion ### Adjusting the screen
    ctrl-x ctrl-y	scroll up one line
    ctrl-x ctrl-e	scroll down one line

14.File Recovery and Command-Line Arguments

    :set backup	open backup
    :set backupext=string	add extension type to backup file
    :set backupext=.bak
    It will be backup to file.txt.bak

    :set nobackup	close backup
    :set backupdir=~/tmp/

    $vim -r file
    recovery file from swap file
    :swapname	show what swap file your current use
    If you don't want to use swap file (Default swap file is on :set swapfile)
    :set noswapfile

Controlling When the Swap File Is Writen

    :set updatetime=23000	23seconds(milliseconds)
    :set updatecount=400	the number of character 400 you typed it will be writen to swap file

15.Miscellaneous Commands

    ga(or :ascii)	prints the number of the chracter under the cursor.
    5gg(or 5G)	go to 5 line
    30gg(or 30G)	go to 30 line
    ctrl-l		Screen Redraw
    z10	resize current window to 10 lines
    :intro		View introductory flash screen


Chracter Twiddling

    teh->the	xp ### Replacing One Word with Another Using One Command
    If you want to replace Oreimou to Oreimou Radio,
    If Oreimou line are 100-110,

    :100,110s/Oreimou/Oreimou Radio/g

    :100,110	100 line to 110 line
    s	:substitute
    Oreimou		old word
    Oreimou Radio	new word
    g	global change

    If you want to change all use	1,$
    1	first line
    $	last line

Interactively Replacing One Word With Another

    1.	/Radio<Enter>	Search
    2.	cw<Esc>	change word
    3.	n	next word Radio
    4.	cw<Esc>	change word
    5.	repeat 3-4

Moving Text

    If you want to moving some line
    1.	V	select line
    2.	ma	mark as a
    3.	move cursor to where you want put line
    4.	d'a	delete marked a content(Put it to pasteboard)
    5.	p	paste to cursor current line

Moving paragraph

    1.	V	select start line
    2.	ma	mark as a
    3.	}	move to paragraph end
    4.	mb	mark as b
    5.	move cursor to where you want put line
    6.	:'a,'b move .		move

Copying a Block of Text from One File to Another

    0.	:split file	split window
    1.	V	select line (etc. select 2 lines) then
    2.	2y	yank 2lines text
    3.	ctrl-w-w(or ctrl-w-p)	switch to another window
    4.	p	paste


    1.	ma	mark as a
    2.	y'a	yank 'a
    3.	ctrl-w-w	switch to another window
    4.	p	paste ### Drawing Comment Boxes
    put into .vimrc
    :ab #b /****************************************
    :ab #e <Space>****************************************/
    When you want to type #b just type #bb then delete second b it will not expanded.

    Another better option use external program like boxes(see http://www.vim.org)

Oops, I Left the File Write-Protected

    :w filename	save to another file

17.Topics Not Covered

File Encoding

    :set fe=encoding	set file encoding
    :set fe=twiwan(or prc)	traditional Chinese (or Simplified Chinese)
    :set fileencoding=encoding	long format
    :set fe=japan		Japanese Ecoding

The Details

18.Complete Basic Editing

    e	move to end of a word
    ge	backward move to end of a word
    3ge	3 backward move to endo af a word

    ^	move to first non-black character on the line
    0	move to beginning of the line

Repeating Single-Chracter Searches

    fx	searches fo the first x (to repeat search use ;	 to reverse use , )

Moving Lines up and down

    -	moves up to the first non-blank character line
    =	moves down ### Jumping Around
    <count>-	move <count> up line
    <count>G	go to <count> line

    ctrl-o	Jump to previous location
    <TAB>	Jump to next location ### Where Am I,in Detail
    ctrl-g	Display summary information at the bottom of the screen	
    1ctrl-g	add path to show
    2ctrl-g	add buffer to show
    gctrl-g	another tpe of status information

Scrolling Up

    ctrl-u	scrolls up half a screen
    :set scroll=10	set ctrl-u commands scrolls up number
    2ctrl-u	scrolls up 2 line
    5ctrl-y	scrolls up 5 line
    ctrl-b	scrolls up an entire screen

Scrolling Down

    ctrl-d	move down The amount is controlled by the 'scroll' option

    ctrl-e	move down one line

    ctrl-f	move down one screen of data (also <PageDown> or <S-Down> Shift-ArrowDown)

Define How Much to Scroll

    :set scrolljump=5 ### Delete to the End of the Line
    <count>D	delete line (or <count> amount lines)
    C	change line text current cursor to end of line then enter INSERT mode

    Mmmm, basic command has d and d two forms, and you can add <count> to dozens do.
    Usally,d -> delete current word or character D -> delete cursor to end of line
    3d -> delete 3 lines

    a	append at begin line
    A	append at end of line
    gi	insert at begin line (same as a)


    ctrl-a	increase number
    ctrl-x	decrease number

Jpining Lines with Spaces

    J	join the current line with the next one
    gJ	join line without spaces
    3gJ	join 3 line without spaces

Replace Mode

    r	replace a chracter
    R	enter replace mode

Chaning Case

    <count>~	change a chracter case
    <count>g~	change current line and next line text case
    <count>g~~	change line case

    <count>gUU	change entire line case

19.Advanced Searching Using Regular Expressions

Searching Options

Case Sensitivity

    :set ignorecase		turn on ignorecase
    :set noignorecase	turn off	
    :set smartcase		WORD will be matches WORD

Instant Word Searches

    *	search under cursor word
    g*	go to searched words under cursor word
    g#	reverse

Search Offsets

    /nisekoi/2	go to searched nisekoi next 2 line position
    /nisekoi/b2(or s2 start)	moves the cursor to the beginning of the match
    /nisekoi/e	moves the cursor onto the last character of the match

家人 事故 保险 友人 自己 生活



家人 事故

这次是3-4W,按照老爸以往的挣钱记录,每个月能超过 4k 的可能性不大,然后减去家里3个人,外面我1个人的生活费,家里3人1800,我800,共2600,剩1400,显然每个月还人家1400肯定不够,So,把我的削掉600(剩200,然后我自己想办法先顶着),还人家2000,然后还是感觉很少。
这是个不错的方法,假设,可以用这种方法把 4w 碰到人的费用搞定,然后就是自己想办法搞定友人的4w。

保险 友人

不是说你每次做事之前不用上保险,因为你感觉自己会能出什么事情。然后,事实是你可能出什么事情,并且可能性和你不出事概率是一样的(出事,不出事,5 5开,就像成功和失败的概率是5 5开,你只能通过增加自己成功的概率来成功一样,并且就算你增加了成功的概率,还有其他一大堆因素可能造成你失败)。So,在做事之前,把最坏的情况想出来还是很有必要的。

我 生活

Talk is cheap ,show me your code.

写于 2015-03-21-8:56 午前

WWDC 14 Session 237 a strategy for great work


当你看到一些东西的时候,在你脑中应该会出现一个 idea,然后作出一个 Demo 去尝试实现它。


遇到的每一个问题都有一个解决的途径,重要的是怎样去发现这条路的 poi(将问题抽象化)。


这个 Session 简直就是在讲 iPhone 的虚拟键盘到底是怎样来的 poi




Did you mean this one ? Did you mean that one ? Did you mean the another one ? Did you mean this one ? Did you mean…



iPad Keyboard




Only show your best work(Don’t show people your second-best work)

展示你最棒的作品就好(别让人家看你的次 ~~二~~ 品)





博客迁移到 Github


不需要管数据库,不必管 WordPress 漏洞,自己可以写主题


  1. 说是用 Github Pages 生成漂亮的网页,其实官方文档说了,Github Pages 是用来生成展示项目的静态网页。
  2. 说是用 Jekyll 来生成站点,其实 Jekyll 是用来本地观看自己博客的效果的(Github 自己会选择用是用 Github Pages 还是 Jekyll 生成你的网站)


  1. 创建一个 yourusername.github.io的 Repo

    很重要,必须是 yourusername.github.io 这个 Repo,只有这个 Repo Github 才会给你用 Jekyll 生成。官方原文
    我会给你说,我先是尝试用各种 Repo 命名的地址,搞了几个小时都没搞出效果,然后还是看官方文档才知道,原来 Repo 命名必须是这样才可以。

  2. Down 一个 Jekyll 主题,写好一个样例的 Post


  3. 推送本地文件到该 Repo,好了,观看效果吧


git init

git add .

git commit -m First Post

git remote add origin https://github.com/youusername/yourusername.github.io

git push -u origin master

至于自己怎样折腾出来的,看教程啊,查官方 Help 啊,一个字就是


OS X 下使用 Mjolnir 来快速切换 App


Mjolnir 官网




  • 從官網下載安裝 Mjolnir
  • 安裝依賴(首先你需要安裝過 brew)
brew install lua
brew install luarocks

echo 'rocks_servers = { http://rocks.moonscript.org }' > ~/.luarocks/config.lua

luarocks install mjolnir.hotkey
luarocks install mjolnir.application
luarocks install mjolnir.bg.grid
luarocks install mjolnir.th.hints
luarocks install mjolnir.cmsj.appfinder
luarocks install mjolnir.tiling
luarocks install mjolnir.sd.grid
luarocks install mjolnir.lb.itunes
luarocks install mjolnir._asm.ui.sound

mkdir ~/.mjolnir/
  • 把我的配置文件放到 ~/.mjolnir/ 下(完成後是:~/.mjolnir/init.lua)

PS: ~ 代表用戶文件夾

此 App 可用来作为一个 Window Manager 用,不过我已经买了 Divvy 了,不想花时间配置,所以現在只用來切換應用,并且 OS X 这个系统,很多组合键都已经预先分配好了,自定義組合鍵很痛苦。

iPod Touch 5 Unbox and Review





说明书 配件




拿到手是 iOS8.1,立马升8.1.3,升级完之后开始安装自己常用的软件,当然 iOS 系统嘛,软件基本上 iPad 上装了的,这个上面都装了,本身就是用来听音乐,听广播的,所以用起来也不会感觉太卡,毕竟我不玩游戏,把减弱动画效果打开之后,感觉上也会快一些。至于用起来卡不卡,我是认为:只要 Apple 让你升到那个系统,证明卡顿至少是 Apple 可以忍受,既然这样,那就升级到最新系统算了,有 Bug 大家一起体验。(This is not a bug,It’s a feature!)性能是否够用的问题,完全在于个人使用的软件,So,对我来说,够用。

我为什么会分期买 iPod Touch 5

  • 不想借别人的钱,自己分期慢慢还就好。(在自己力所能及的承受范围内作出最好的选择)

  • 想要用 iOS 系统小屏的机器来听音乐,听 Hibiki ,看 A&G+,看 Feedly(用途)
  • 能够随时带在身上,iPad 做不到(便携性)

  • 花更多的钱分期 iPhone 还不如花钱买软件,对通话功能的 iOS 设备要求没有我对软件,服务和音乐的需求大。(投入产出比,消费观)






  • 从上海火车站坐1号线到人民广场转2号线到龙阳路转16号线到新场出2号口下楼就是新芦专线,现在做到电子信息学院只要3块软妹币的poi(看不懂也没关系,就是转线而已

  • 时间总体花费变短了?就是导车好烦,当然整体支出变高了。
